About the Group
Dana R. Caulton is an Assistant Professor at the University of Wyoming in the Department of Atmospheric Science. She received her Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from Purdue University. During her Ph.D. work she used a small Beechcraft Duchess aircraft to measure emissions from natural gas sites in Pennsylvania, flares in North Dakota, forests along the eastern coast and several other point sources. After her Ph.D. she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Princeton University. She used an instrumented mobile vehicle to measure emissions from natural gas sites in Pennsylvania. She joined the University of Wyoming in Fall of 2018 and has continued her research on natural gas emissions while expanding her research to focus on other important greenhouse gas sources.
A Note to Prospective Graduate Students
The Atmospheric Chemistry Group is currently recruiting highly motivated students that have in interest in greenhouse gas emissions, carbon cycle dynamics, dispersion modeling, and water stress. If you are interested in applying please send an email to dcaulton@uwyo.edu and apply through the departmental website.
Dr. Dana Caulton in Laramie, WY
Current Group Members
Samuel Ajibade: Samuel is a Ph.D. student working on the GROWS project.
Kyle Johnson: Kyle is a M.S. student characterizing new aerosol and trace gas instruments.
Nathan Ribar: Nathan is a M.S. student working with aircraft data and characterizing new instruments.
Katie Steinmann: Katie is a Ph.D. student working on the TRANS2AM project.
Victoria Wright: Victoria is an M.S. student working on the ASIA-AQ project.
Former Group Members
Mohammad Astaneh: M.S. 2021 (now a Ph.D student at UC Davis)
Priya Gurav: M.S. 2021 (now an Air Pollution Specialist at CARB)
Megan McCabe: M.S. 2021 (now an Air Quality Specialist at HDR Inc.)